Legal Complaint in a Personal Injury Case in Singapore
If you have suffered a personal injury due to the negligence of another person, you will need to file a lawsuit against that party for compensation. You will need to provide the facts and legal reason as to why you should be compensated for your injury. A legal complaint form in a personal injury lawsuit declares your intention to seek compensation.
Nature of the Complaint
You must list the type of personal injury that you have sustained: be it, bodily harm, vehicle accident, property damage or wrongful death. You will need to point out the legal duty that was breached/violated by the defendant, which lead to your injury; motor vehicle, products liability or premises liability.
You will need to establish what type of financial suffering you suffered as a result of this negligence – income loss, property loss, medical or property damage. Once you and your personal injury lawyer establish the legal basis of the personal injury lawsuit, you will need to write down the facts of what actually happened, when it happened, why the Defendant was responsible/negligent and how you should be compensated.