thing avoid when getting divorced

Things You Need to Avoid When Getting Divorced

It is never easy when a couple decides to divorce. Apart from the legal processes that lay ahead, you might be worried about the emotional and physical health impact of divorce. As you prepare for divorce, here are some things to avoid to make the process as smooth as possible. Six (6) things to avoid…...
applying for gurdianship in singapore

Applying to be a Legal Guardian in Singapore

How do I become a child's guardian? Parents may not always be best suited to care for their children. This may stem from incarceration, insufficient income to support the child or even instances of domestic violence. In these cases, a relative of the child (i.e. an aunt or grandparent) can apply to the Court to…...
parental rights vs parental responsibilities

Is there a difference between Parental Rights vs Parental Responsibilities?

When we think of the terms “Rights” and “Responsibilities”, we often think that it has the same meaning. When we have the right to do something, it means that we are responsible for it, and vice versa. However, in reality, both terms, “Parental rights” and “Parental responsibilities” hold different meanings under the law and in…...
mix-up in ivf procedure

Can a Parent Claim Costs of Raising a Child Born following Mix-up in IVF Procedure?

If you and your spouse went through an In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) procedure, only to find out that a complete stranger's sperm was fertilised with your egg instead of your husband's, one can imagine the emotional turmoil following such an outcome Dealing with this unpleasant event can emotionally and mentally damage couples and their families, especially…...

Are you being Gaslit by your Narcissistic Spouse?

It can be challenging to identify narcissism and gaslighting because they overlap with typical arguments and misunderstandings between two people. Nevertheless, knowing the signs is essential so you don't get gaslit. Is your spouse a narcissist? The narcissist is inflated in their sense of self-importance, needs admiration deeply, and lack empathy. Originally derived from a…...
gaslighting spouse

What You Need to Know About Spousal Gaslighting

Are you constantly apologising to your spouse even when you haven't made a mistake? Are you beginning to question your sanity because your spouse thinks you are crazy? These are some signs that your spouse is gaslighting you. What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where one person manipulates another by psychologically…...
brief divorce process singapore

The Brief on the Divorce Process in Singapore

Filing for divorce in Singapore In order to file for divorce in Singapore, at least one of the parties must be a Singaporean citizen or a permanent resident of Singapore. The divorce must be filed in the Family Court. Parties are also required to be married for at least 3 years before filing for divorce…...
meeting with a divorce lawyer

Preparing for the Initial Meeting with a Divorce Lawyer

The decision to divorce is one that is commonly accompanied by strong emotions and there is often confusion about what to do. The natural step for a person intending to divorce will be to make an appointment with a family lawyer to seek advice. At the initial meeting, which is largely a fact-finding exercise, it…...
recognition division matrimonial-assets

No Special Recognition in the Division of Matrimonial Assets for Women Who Bear Children

Case Summary: VWM v VWN SGHCF 2 (Lai Siu Chiu SJ) The court highlighted that women were not to be given a greater share in the division of matrimonial assets or any special recognition in relation to their contributions simply because they bore children during the marriage. This was especially so in short marriages…...
maintenance order

Where Maintenance Orders Were Rescinded Due to an Inability to Pay

The court allowed a Wife’s appeal to rescind a variation order for her to financially contribute to her children’s maintenance because she was physically unable to be gainfully employed. WDB v WDA SGHCF 1 [Choo Han Teck J / General Division of the High Court (Family Division) Parties obtained the final judgement of their…...