10 points to consider before filing for Divorce based on Adultery
1. There are two elements that need to be proven. Firstly, the plaintiff must prove that adultery has been committed by the defendant. Secondly, the plaintiff must prove that this has made it intolerable to live with the defendant. 2. A plaintiff who alleges adultery has the burden of proving that adultery has been committed…...
Prenuptial Agreements FAQ`s
Prior to entering into a marriage, it may be wise for parties to first consider entering into a pre-nuptial agreement with a view of protecting their individual rights and to help provide a roadmap of how things should proceed in the event parties decide to amicably separate in the future. What are prenuptial agreements? Prenuptial…...
10 Things to Know about a Collaborative Divorce
1. What is a collaborative divorce? A collaborative divorce is a process which enables parties to use mediation and negotiation to settle their divorce. This is contrasted with the usual courtroom divorce proceedings. 2. What is the aim of a collaborative divorce? The primary goal of a collaborative divorce is to attempt to reach an…...
How do I Prove Adultery for Divorce Purposes?
High Threshold of Proof In Singapore, one of the ways to get a divorce is to prove that “your spouse has committed adultery and you find it intolerable to live with him or her.” Adultery is committed when a person engages in sexual intercourse (which refers to penetration) with someone other than his/her spouse. The…...
Improvements, Protection & Challenges relating to Sexual Harassment
Types of Sexual Harassment, The Law - Statutes & Case Laws. This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online...
Protection from Harassment Act 2014
With the recent #MeToo Movement, more and more people are speaking out against the harassment that they have suffered. Victims of non-physical harassment may rely on the Protection from Harassment Act 2014 (POHA) to seek legal redress and obtain monetary compensation against the offender. What behaviour comes under the POHA? Intentionally causing harassment, alarm or…...
Before you Adopt
Before you begin the adoption process, it will be prudent to understand what is adoption all about. In Singapore, the Adoption of Children Act oversees the adoption of any young persons under the age of 21. Through this legal process, the biological parents give up all their rights over the child and the adoptive parents…...
Trusts and Divorce
Divorces between financially sophisticated spouses often involves judges and lawyers encountering trusts issues when the topics of maintenance and the division of matrimonial assets arise. In turn, this has led to the coexistence of family law and trust law. A trust arises where one holds property on another’s behalf. The person holding the property on…...