No Special Recognition in the Division of Matrimonial Assets for Women Who Bear Children
Case Summary: VWM v VWN [2023] SGHCF 2 (Lai Siu Chiu SJ) The court highlighted that women were not to
Case Summary: VWM v VWN [2023] SGHCF 2 (Lai Siu Chiu SJ) The court highlighted that women were not to
USB v USA and another appeal [2020] SGCA 57Decision Date: 12 June 2020Judge: Sundaresh Menon CJ; Judith Prakash JA;
UYQ v UYP [2020] SGCA 3Decision Date: 29 January 2020Judge: Andrew Phang Boon Leong JA; Judith Prakash JA; Steven
During the dissolution of a marriage, accusations are oftentimes levelled at either party. The parties then prove that there the
TBZ v TCA [2017] SGHCF 18 Decision date: 28 July 2017 Valerie Thean JC Family law – Matrimonial Assets –
Does my soon to be ex-spouse retain (i.e donor spouse) all the gifts he has given me or will they
The apex Singapore Court of Appeal has repeatedly asserted that a “broad-brush approach” must be taken