Where Maintenance Orders Were Rescinded Due to an Inability to Pay
The court allowed a Wife’s appeal to rescind a variation order for her to financially contribute to her children’s maintenance
The court allowed a Wife’s appeal to rescind a variation order for her to financially contribute to her children’s maintenance
This article reflects on and questions the practice of gag orders passed by the Singapore Courts, specifically, it scrutinises the balancing act that are gag orders; that between the rightful protection of victims, and the possibly unjust shielding of the guilty.
TWO KINDS OF ORDERS JUDGE MADE ORDERS BY CONSENT ORDERS Parties have the opportunity to adduce evidence Parties may not
If a foreign court in a reciprocating country made a Maintenance Order (“MO”) and the payer lives in Singapore, the
A consent order is an order of court entered into by the agreement of parties, which is legally binding. There